
JUPITER "the Grandest planet of our solar system"

The fifth planet from the sun and the biggest in size of other planet of our solar system, Named Jupiter. it was named after the king of the gods in Roman mythology. In a similar manner, the ancient Greeks named the planet after Zeus, the king of the Greek pantheon.

Jupiter has a long history of surprising scientists - In 1610 discovery, When GALILEO GALILEI found the first moons beyond Earth, changed the way we see the universe.


The Jupiter composition are mostly Hydrogen and Helium just like Sun. Jupiter is surrounded by the many numbers of moons. Also it has four largest moons are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. And these are known as The Galilean Satellites. Jupiter also has several rings, but unlike the famous rings of Saturn, Jupiter’s rings are very faded and made of dust, not ice.

There is not any land like Earth in Jupiter. It is made from the large and dense cloud surrounded with the rings, made from the dust. 

How Big and how much away?

The radios of Jupiter is 69911 million kilometer. It is 11 times wider than our Earth. Means if our Earth will be grasp then the Jupiter would be the bucket in size.

Jupiter is 778 million km or 5.2 Astronomical unit away from the our Sun. One astronomical unit means the distance from sun to earth (152.1 million km). The sunlight takes 43 minutes to reach Jupiter from Sun.

Our Solar System. 

It's Rotational Speed

Jupiter has the shortest day in the solar system. It takes 10 hours to complete one rotation that means One day on Jupiter takes only about 10 hours (one complete day in our Earth is equal to 2.4 complete days in Jupiter). And Jupiter makes a complete orbit of Sun in 4333 Earth days around 12 Earth Year means in Jupiter one year is equal to around 12 Earth Year.

How did it Form?

Jupiter has taken shape when the rest of the solar system formed about 4.5 billion years ago, when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust in to become this gas giant. Jupiter took most of the mass left over after the formation of the Sun, ending up with more than twice the combined material of the other bodies in the solar system. In fact, Jupiter has the same ingredients as a star, but it did not grow massive enough to ignite.

About 4 billion years ago, Jupiter settled into its current position in the outer solar system, where it is the fifth planet from the Sun.

Can a spacecraft land on the Jupiter?

As a gas giant, Jupiter does not have a true surface. Jupiter does not have any land like Earth. The planet is mostly swirling gases and liquids. This is the biggest reason why  a spacecraft can not land on the surface of the Jupiter.

It wouldn’t be able to fly through unscathed either. The extreme pressures and temperatures deep inside the planet crush, melt and vaporize spacecraft trying to fly into the planet.

Possibility for life

The environment condition of Jupiter is not suitable for the life. The temperature, pressure, materials and some conditions that characterize this plant are most likely too extreme and volatile for organism to adapt to.

While planet Jupiter is an unlikely place for living things to take hold, but this condition is not true for its all moon. Europa is one of the likeliest places to find life elsewhere in our solar system. There is evidence of a massive ocean just in the deep of its icy crust, where life could possibly be supported.

Reference article: NASA Solar System Exploration

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