
SOLAR SYTEM | Orbits, Planets, Moons, Asteroid and Comets

Solar system

There are many planetary systems like our solar system in the universe. our Sun is named Sol, after the Latin word for Sun, "Solis," and anything related to the Sun we call "solar." Our planet orbiting a host star named as Sun that's the reason we call it the solar system.

Our solar system consists of our star, the sun, and everything bounded to it by gravity such as planets, dwarf planets, Dozens of Moons, and millions of asteroids, comets, and meteoroids.

How is it formed?

Our solar system formed around 4.5 billion years ago. According to the study, it is formed from dense clouds and dust. Possibly due to the shock wave of the nearby exploding star, called a supernova, the nearest cloud collapsed. And formed a Solar Nebula (spinning, swirling disk of material). Due to the influence of high gravity material comes more and more around the center. The pressure at that instant of the core was great for the fusion. Hydrogen atoms began to combine & start forming Helium. It is nothing but the fusion process from which a tremendous amount of energy is released. And that's how our sun was born.

This is all about science inside this Solar nebula. Just as inside, in outside of this nebula many matters are clumping together. These clumps smashed into one other, and form larger to larger objects. Some of them really grew big enough for their gravity to shape them into spheres and becoming planets, dwarf planets, and larger moons. Others that did not become this big in size formed Asteroids, Comets, meteoroids, and irregular small moons.


All the planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, and icy bodies in the Kuiper belt moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit in the same direction that the sun rotates. An orbit is a regularly repeating path in space.

If an observer looking down on the Solar system from a vantage point above the Earth's north pole then the observer would find that all the orbital motion is counterclockwise in the direction.

Planets and moons:

our eight planets are divided into two categories based on their densities. First, four-planet named Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are grouped in the first group and called inner or terrestrial planets. These terrestrial planets have rocky composition and their density is greater than 3 grams per centimeter cube.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are grouped under jovian. They are big in size as compared to the first group but their density is less than 2 grams per centimeter cube. They are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium.

Our Solar System (Sun, Eight planets, Moon)

the dwarf planet is very unique in shape, size, and composition. It has icy and low-density bodies if we compare pluto to the Earth-moon then the size of our earth-moon is bigger than pluto. Pluto has more similar to the comets or the large icy moons of the outer planet.

Planet Surface Temperature 

In general surface temperature of the planet decrease as the distance increase with the sun. Venus is the only exception because its dense atmosphere acts as the greenhouse and heats the surface of Venus, above the melting point temperature of leads which is around (327.5 °C). The below list shows the surface temperature for our solar system planet:

SL No.


Average Surface temperature in  ͦ c





























Asteroid and Comets:

Asteroids are actually minor planets that can neither be classified as a planet or as a comet Existence of Asteroids from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago.
Till the date 07/08/2021, The total known asteroids are 1,112,868.
Most of the Asteroid found between Mars & Jupiter within the main asteroid belt orbiting the sun. The size of the Asteroid is varying from the Vesta (the largest steroid in the size around 530 kilometers in diameter) to the bodies that are less than 10 meters across.
A Figure of  Asteroid, Through which you can think about its composition and its shape. Its existence is in an irregular shape.

A small asteroid could be dangerous for us if it hits the earth and explode at the land area then it can be very dangerous. we have seen many examples related to asteroid explosions on the earth. we will be covering this topic in any next upcoming blogs.

Comets are small bodies that orbit the sun and are formed from frozen gas rock and dust. When frozen, they are the size of a small town. 
Comets ( Your Shooting Star😅😄)

When the orbit of the comet brings it closer to the sun. It starts to heat up and the trapped gasses and dust particles start to evaporate and form a tail that stretches away from the sun for millions of miles. And this is what we call the Shooting Star.

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